πŸ“š Chapter 16 - Finish The Project

🧢 Tags:: #HTML_CSS
πŸ—ƒ Resources:: [[]]
2022-11-13 - 15:11

CSS Selectors -

These are .sidebar-link etc. You can also use .sidebar-link img to target the specific elements, in this case the images.

Example - .search-button:hover .tooltip{}

Flex Direction -

flex-direction: row makes the content align in a row, while flex-direction: column make the content align in a column

Flex direction column example -
Screenshot_1 30.png

pointer-events: none;

We used this in the header, So when we are not hovering on the search button we are the search tool tip doesn't affect the cursor.

white-space: nowrap;

This prevents text from wraping around.