How to Take Smart Notes

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Resources:: Energy & Work | INDEX - How to Take Smart Notes
2024-07-04 - 03:00

πŸš€ The Book In 3 Sentences

  1. Zettlekasten method provides a framework that makes complex things easier to do.
  2. We might be taking notes wrong our entire life, using the methods provided in the book can change the way we look at note-taking.
  3. Very easy to understand and implement the ideas and concepts shown in the book.

🎨 Impressions

πŸ”Ž How I Discovered It

πŸ“– Who Should Read It?

🍁 How The Book Changed Me

πŸ’‘ How my life/ thoughts/ behavior/ ideas have changed as a result of reading this Book

πŸ“ My Top 3 Quotes

  1. β€œlatticework of mental models"