🧠 Practical Tips to Mind Control

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πŸš€ The Book In 3 Sentences

  1. We are often attracted to materialism, but we should make God the central pillar of our life.
  2. Easy to understand, actually rather basic, feels like a primer for getting people to understand God.
  3. Uses very simple English, So I think is good for anyone who understand it.

🎨 Impressions

πŸ”Ž How I Discovered It

πŸ“– Who Should Read It?

🍁 How The Book Changed Me

πŸ’‘ How my life/ thoughts/ behavior/ ideas have changed as a result of reading this book

πŸ“ My Top 3 Quotes

An angry man can be pacified when he gives vent to his anger by chastising someone; A thirsty man can become satisfied by having some water; A hungry man can be satisfied by having some food. But a greedy man can never be satisfied by anything. No matter how much he accumulates.
Just life a man having five wives is dragged in different directions by each one of them for enjoyment, Similarly, we are also dragged by our five senses in various directions.
We can further spiritual strength by knowing that life, after all, is flickering and temporary; It is just like a dream. Every night, when we sleep, we have an 8-hour dream. But life is an 80-year dream; that is the only difference. Both are temporary and, after they are over, neither has any factual existence.