Boosting Your Confidence - Overcoming Assumptions and Self-Doubt

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2023-04-28 - 22:01

Confidence - something we all need to function well and progress in life. When we feel confident, we're more likely to take risks, speak our minds, and pursue our goals. On the other hand, when we lack confidence, we might hold ourselves back, doubt our abilities, and struggle to connect with others.

If you're reading this blog, chances are you want to learn how to be confident around everyone. Whether you're heading to a job interview, meeting new people, or simply want to feel more comfortable in your own skin, there are plenty of strategies you can use to boost your confidence.

Throughout this article, we'll explore some tried-and-true tips for building confidence and feeling more self-assured in any situation. From learning to embrace your strengths to practicing positive self-talk, we'll cover a range of strategies that can help you feel your best around anyone.

So, whether you're an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between, get ready to take notes. By the end of this article, you'll be armed with the tools you need to feel confident, capable, and ready to take on the world. Let's get started!

Battling Assumptions

Assumptions are a part of human nature. Our brain is wired to make assumptions to predict situations quickly, saving us time and energy. However, assumptions are often limited and flawed ways of assessing the world around us. They can also hinder our confidence, causing us to doubt ourselves and our abilities.

For example, you may assume that someone won't like you because of your appearance, or assume that you'll fail a test because you struggled with a similar one in the past. These assumptions can hold you back from being confident and living your best life.

The good news is that you can battle assumptions by challenging them. When you notice yourself making an assumption, take a step back and ask yourself if it's really true. Is there evidence to support it? Or is it just a fear or belief that you've held onto for a long time?

Challenging assumptions can help you build confidence by revealing the truth behind them. You may find that the assumptions you've made are unfounded or based on outdated beliefs. By challenging these assumptions, you can start to see yourself and the world around you in a more positive and realistic light.

Assumptions are a natural part of human nature, but they can hinder our confidence and hold us back from living our best lives. By challenging assumptions and seeking out evidence to support or refute them, we can build confidence and move forward with a more positive mindset. So next time you catch yourself making an assumption, take a step back and challenge it - you might just surprise yourself with how confident you can be.

Lucid Self Assessment

When it comes to building confidence, self-assessment is an important aspect to consider. While it's tempting to rely on the praise and opinions of others, it's essential to cultivate a healthy self-image through lucid self-assessment.

Sure, praise can feel good, and it can give you a temporary confidence boost. But too much praise can create an imbalanced view of yourself, where you feel like you're always performing for others, rather than for yourself. When you base your self-esteem on the opinions of others, you're setting yourself up for a potentially damaging fall.

Instead, try to focus on your own achievements and progress. Take the time to assess your skills and abilities realistically. Identify your strengths, but also acknowledge your weaknesses. Be honest with yourself about where you need to improve, and set achievable goals to help you get there.

Self-assessment can also help you to identify areas where you need help or support. Maybe you need to learn a new skill or seek out advice from a mentor. By being open and honest with yourself, you can develop a plan of action to help you achieve your goals and build your confidence.

Remember, building confidence is an ongoing process, and it requires regular self-assessment. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't see immediate results. Instead, focus on making progress and celebrating your achievements along the way. By doing so, you'll develop a stronger sense of self and build the confidence to tackle any situation that comes your way.

Role Application

When it comes to building confidence in conversations, assigning yourself a role can make all the difference. But what kind of role, you might ask? Well, the answer is simple - anything that increases likability. This could be the listener, the supportive friend, or the cheerleader, to name a few. The important thing is to choose a role that makes the other person feel interesting.

The key to successfully assuming a role is to focus on the other person, not yourself. This requires more listening than talking. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in what the other person has to say. Don't interrupt or dominate the conversation - instead, let the other person guide it.

Assuming a role can also help you feel more comfortable and confident in social situations. It takes the pressure off of you to constantly come up with things to say or impress the other person. Instead, you can focus on playing your role and making the other person feel good.

Confidence is all about how you make others feel. If you can make someone feel good about themselves, they will naturally feel good about you. So, the next time you find yourself in a social situation, try assigning yourself a role and see how it works for you.


In conclusion, building confidence around everyone requires a combination of tactics, such as challenging assumptions, practicing realistic self-assessment, and assigning oneself a role in conversations. By being aware of our tendency to make assumptions, we can challenge them and see situations more objectively. This can help us avoid making negative assumptions about ourselves and others, which can hinder our confidence.

Moreover, it's important to avoid relying too heavily on external praise to build self-esteem. Instead, we should focus on our achievements and use them as a basis for realistic self-assessment. This can help us see ourselves in a more positive light and build lasting confidence.

Lastly, assigning ourselves a role in conversations can help us feel more comfortable and likable. By choosing a role that makes the other person feel interesting, we can create a positive dynamic and feel more confident in our interactions.

Incorporating these strategies into our daily lives can help us build lasting confidence around everyone we encounter. While it may take time and practice, the benefits of increased confidence are worth the effort. By challenging our assumptions, practicing realistic self-assessment, and assigning ourselves a positive role in conversations, we can build the confidence we need to succeed and thrive in all areas of our lives. So go ahead and take that first step towards building your confidence today!