Permanent Notes

Tags:: #MOC

Permanant notes.jpeg

Are notes on an isolated topic providing concise information that is broken down in an easy to digest format. These notes make it easy to link to other ideas.

File Tags
πŸ˜‡ How To Become A Good Friend
The Theories About God & Universe #Letterstonoone #🌱 #Permanent_Notes
The Beauty Inside #Letterstonoone #Permanent_Notes #🌱
Speed of Consumption #Letterstonoone #🌱 #Permanent_Notes
If You Don't Have Regrets You're Doing Life Wrong #Permanent_Notes #🌿
Willpower #🌱 #Thinking #Permanent_Notes
3 Big Levers In Business #Marketing #Financial_Freedom #Permanent_Notes #Blog
11 Skills Millionaires Master
How I Write My Notes #Basics
2-Minutes Reset #Permanent_Notes #🌱
Becoming An Interesting Person Begins With Becoming Curious #Permanent_Notes
Beginners Have Options, Experts Have None #Permanent_Notes #Adaptability
Deliberate Practice #Permanent_Notes #🌿
Do your Work Today #Permanent_Notes
Involuntary Memory #Permanent_Notes #Definition
No Man's Land Writer #Thinking #🌱 #Permanent_Notes
Not Having a Memory Barrier is a Problem #Permanent_Notes
Old Dreams & Brain Stimulation #Permanent_Notes
Sharing Has Never Been Easier #Permanent_Notes #Social_Media #Publishing
Show Your Struggles Because You're Human #Permanent_Notes
Slow Hunch #Permanent_Notes
The Need to Watch YouTube #Permanent_Notes
The Process Matters Only to You #Permanent_Notes #Creativity
What Matters is Doing Something #Permanent_Notes
πŸŽ“ Learning in Public #Permanent_Notes