πŸŽ“ Learning in Public

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2023-12-14 - 03:24

We all typically learn very privately. Throughout school and college, and even as adults, you are presented with information and fact which you process on your own.

But because of internet and social media these days we can see a difference where we can witness and participate in the knowledge acquisition on various online platforms.

This is a good opportunity where you can share what ever you learn with the world. Your knowledge, projects, and ideas can be shared with the world. This way you can share the things you learn with the world instead of keeping it all to yourself

So how can you do this? You can create content about what you're learning and making it accessible to others. You learn something that you think can be valuable to others, you can share it with other people. Likewise, you can do this in a few different forms like creating a blog post, social media post, or YouTube Videos.

Teaching others what you've learnt is a great way to solidify what you've learnt and can often reveal gaps in your knowledge that you wouldn't have been able to identify yourself.

There are plenty of options on how you can learn in public. All you have to do is display what you learn, get feedback, and engage in discussions.

4 Things you can do to learn effectively in public

  • Make your work publicly accessible
  • Welcome feedback
  • Don't count clicks
  • Participate

Make Your Work Publicly Accessible

First, decide on what format works best for your needs? Are you comfortable at writing blogs or speaking in front of a camera. This largely depends on what you're trying to do and achieve.

There are topics that are better understood and learnt if you're writing about them verses making a video on them and vice-versa.

It's on you what format you want to use to show your work. I found that writing is the best way for me express myself, but making videos is more impactful for people wanting to learn from you.

You can also use social media platforms like x, or reddit, where you can post what you're learning or share the issues you're facing with a project.

It depends on what you're comfortable with, how complex is the topic, how easy or hard it is to write or create a video about. If you're going to do this seriously, you're bound to use multiple ways to share your content on different platforms.

Welcome Feedback

If you make your learning public, you set yourself up for feedback from other member of your community. If someone thinks you're wrong or your work is not good? Well, that's a learning opportunity for you.

Don't Count Clicks

This isn't a popularity contest. No need to judge yourself based on how many likes, or clicks you got. The goals is to learn, Even if no one reads your blogs, you'll have a record of your learning journey and that's more important than anything else.

In future maybe some people will get benefit from your content, but don't forget that the main beneficiary of the entire process is you.


Learning in public isn't simply about sharing what you learn. You also need to take part in other people's learning process.

Join discussions, comment on other blog posts or videos that you've enjoyed, or learnt something, thank the creators and ask questions. By doing so you open yourself up for new knowledge and can also share your own insights with others.

Why You Should Learn in Public

It's easy to feel reluctant when it comes to sharing your work. Either due to our thinking that, we don't have enough to share or that we are not good enough, but don't let those feelings stop you. The goal is to learn, If you keep your knowledge walled off from the rest of the world, there's a big chance that you'll miss out on some amazing benefits public learning provides.

Over time, as you learn more and hone your skills, the content you share will add credibility to your work.