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Health & Vitality

There are many things when it comes to this, but I've divided it into 3 things, Food/Diet, Sleep cycles, and general wellness.


When it comes to health I have it pretty much set properly, although some kinks need improving.

Following a whole food plant-based, Vegan diet is the way to go for someone like me. Try to eat foods as close to their natural states as possible. Plant-based food already feels light and healthy for the body.

For more information, reading How To Live The Best Vegan Lifestyle will give a basic idea of what to do.

Other than that, it is also a good idea to drink enough water. Many people, especially working people, forget to keep good track of how much water they are consuming, It's something that slips out of mind easily but can have many negative consequences in the long-term.

Sleep Cycle

As you grow old, it’s important to have a consistent sleep cycle. Many people including me have the habit of using my cellphone late into the night, which hurts the sleep cycle on a general basis.

Something's to improve sleep cycle -

  1. Set a deadline for your final stimulants of the day like coffee, laptop, phone, etc.
  2. Manage your sleep environment, Free from blue lights, temperature, noise. (if you're in an Indian home.)
  3. If you have a smartwatch, you can measure your sleep cycle and see how less or disturbed sleep affects you. You can make the necessary changes accordingly.

General Wellness

General wellness can be different from person to person but here are some things that can be common for most People, implementing these habits can give you a boost in your daily life.

  1. Fresh air with some sunshine, if possible to walk in a green garden, etc that can help you further. Make sure to have to spend a few minutes outside in nature if possible.
  2. If you're someone who works long hours, take a small break to stretch, this can increase blood circulation to the brain, giving you a small bump in energy.
  3. Make meditation a part of your routine, It doesn’t have to take long. 5 Minutes of meditation is good enough to make you feel good. Try to make this a part of your morning or before-bed routine.
  4. If you're the kind of person who is always busy consider reducing your efforts a bit. A schedule too hectic can zap your vitality making you feel dull. Keep some energy to do the most important things and enjoy them. Streamline the process that is not as important or batch them if possible.
  5. Try to do things that you love for some time in your day. Hobbies, like reading a book can make you feel energized and happy.